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For information on where to buy TOBRADEX® at affordable prices, contact our sales team. TOBRADEX® is an eye medication that combines the effects of tobramycin and dexamethasone to treat eye inflammation and prevent infection in cases with an increased risk of bacterial infection.

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If You Want to Buy Tobradex Online (Tobramcycin) at a Wholesale Price, Contact Our Team for Guidance

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TOBRADEX® simultaneously solves two issues associated with eye inflammation — the antibiotic tobramycin treats superficial bacterial infections, while the steroid dexamethasone reduces the accompanying swelling. TOBRADEX® is often prescribed to patients after eye surgery to protect them from post-operative infections.

What Is TOBRADEX® Used For?

TOBRADEX® is used for eye conditions that respond to corticosteroids where there’s the presence or risk of a superficial bacterial infection. TOBRADEX® is indicated for the following:

  • Reducing swelling and inflammation in inflammatory conditions of the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, cornea, and anterior segment
  • The inflammation of the uvea
  • Eye injury resulting from chemical, radiation, or thermal burns or foreign object penetration
  • Post-operative ocular care

What Are the Contraindications of the  TOBRADEX® Brand?

TOBRADEX®, and other aminoglycoside antibiotics, must not be used to treat viral diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva, including keratitis resulting from herpes infections or infections by vaccinia and varicella. It also doesn’t treat fungal and mycobacterial infections of the eyes. The drug cannot be used for patients who have any sensitivity to any of the ingredients.

Prolonged or improper use of the product may cause problems such as secondary fungal infections, increased eye pressure, nerve damage, or the formation of cataracts.

The drug can only be used by licensed professionals and should be purchased through safe, authentic, official channels to protect the health of your patients. If you want to buy TOBRADEX® online, contact our sales agents to discuss how to purchase it safely.

TOBRADEX® Product Range – Treatmens for Bacterial Eye Infections

The TOBRADEX® product range consists of two products:

  • TOBRADEX® OPHTHALMIC SUSPENSION – The ophthalmic suspension (eye drops) comes in concentrations of 0.3% and 0.1%. Its base is purified water.
  • TOBRADEX® OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT – The ointment has the same active ingredients. However, the ointment is based on mineral oil and white petrolatum.

TOBRADEX® Side Effects – What to Know Before Writing a Prescription

Just like any medication for bacterial eye infections, TOBRADEX® can also cause potential side effects. Its prolonged use tends to cause more severe side effects, so prescribing the product according to best medical practices and purchasing it from authentic sources is paramount. 

Most patients do not experience any side effects, while the most frequent ones are relatively mild.

Less common side effects are connected to eye irritation, occurring in less than 4% of patients. The irritation can show as follows:

  • Itching of the eyelid
  • Swelling of the eyelid
  • Red eyes
  • Dry eyes

Rare side effects are seen among patients who use the topical medication for a longer period of time, patients with existing eye conditions, or patients who are sensitive to the active ingredients of TOBRADEX®.

  • Prolonged use can cause increased intraocular pressure with the risk of glaucoma.
  • Prolonged use may cause a thinning of the cornea, increasing the risk of cataracts and injury. 
  • There can be extra sensitivity to light
  • Secondary infections, especially fungal infections, can happen after prolonged use of medications that combine antibiotics and steroids.
  • Non-ocular side effects, which occur in 0.5% to 1% of patients, can include headache and increased blood pressure.

Before you buy TOBRADEX® online for your practice, make sure you source it from credible and authorized dealers. This is sound medical advice.

TOBRADEX® vs. Competition – Other Aminoglycoside Antibiotics 

TOBRADEX® are popular eye drops because they combinee two medications in one. This makes it more convenient for patients who only need to apply one medication instead of two eye drops. This convenience is especially valuable given that the application of topical eye medications tends to be uncomfortable.

Other antibiotic/steroid drug combinations include:

  • Zylet® – ZYLET® brand is a combination of tobramycin, the same antibiotic ingredient as in TOBRADEX®, but it contains a different type of corticosteroid, loteprednol. Also, unlike TOBRADEX®, ZYLET® doesn’t come as an ointment. 
  • MAXITROL® – MAXITROL® drug contains dexamethasone, the same type of steroid as TOBRADEX®. However, it contains two different antibiotics, neomycin and polymyxin B. Like TOBRADEX®, MAXITROL® comes in the form of drops (suspension) and ointment.

The required type of medication will depend on the type and the cause of infection, the patient’s condition, and their response to different ingredients. 

Where Can I Buy TOBRADEX® at a Wholesale Price?

TOBRADEX® drug is a valuable assistant in treating and preventing eye infections. However, it’s critical to purchase it from a reliable company to ensure that the product is safe, that it has been stored and kept securely and correctly, and that the entire process is done in full compliance with regulations and good practices. If you want to buy TOBRADEX® and other prescription drugs online, consult our team of sales agents today.


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