filler man

Why Dermal Injections for Men is Different

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

20 Oct

While the rise of noninvasive cosmetic treatments has dramatically increased men’s interest in dermal fillers since the 90’s, a lot of men are still concerned with the possible ‘feminization’ of their features. Dermal Fillers for men are specifically tailored to provide the prominence and definition of the masculine structure. The goal is to look ageless with defined, chiseled characteristics.

Biology lays the foundation for the difference between a man and woman’s physique. This causes an obvious distinction in the way aging manifests in men and women’s bodies.

This is the reason why the cosmetic treatments of men and women are not the same, because their treatments cater to different purposes.

Dermal Fillers for Men

The aim of dermal filler injections for men is to maintain the defined, muscular features that can be attributed to the physical characteristics of men in their prime. This involves reinforcing the man’s prominent facial features, enhancing, and lifting facial contours, and eliminating warning signs of aging such as volume loss and droopy skin.

A major source of concern for a lot of men is the possible feminization of their appearance. While majority of patients who opt for cosmetic treatments are women, a lot of men have been looking to dermal filler injections due to effective, subtle results from the latest innovations in the field.

This is why it is extremely important to choose a licensed healthcare provider who has a rich experience in the specifics of dermal fillers for men. Every treatment must be tailored to the natural male structure, and address prominent signs of aging such as volume loss in the mid-to-lower area of the face, deep forehead creases, UV exposure lines, and jowls around the jawline.

Dermal Fillers: Men vs Women

Biology indicates that men and women have different structures.

Men have thicker skin and larger bones than women. Men’s foreheads are also higher and wider and more prominent than women. Men’s skulls are typically 20% larger than women. They have greater facial muscle mass, subcutaneous tissue, and blood vessel density.

Men’s eyebrows and cheeks have a flatter, angled contour. Whereas women’s eyebrows are more arched and feminine, and their cheeks are rounder and fuller. Men experience more volume loss in their lower lips compared to women who experience it more in their upper lip.

Men often go for broad, chiseled, well-defined jawline, while women prefer for delicately plumped cheeks and tight but subtly defined mid-face structure.

Clinical Implications

Due to the natural differences between men and women’s features, men often need a thicker, more viscous dermal filler to produce the desired outcomes.

Oftentimes, dermal fillers such as Juvéderm products and Radiesse are also used in conjunction with neurotoxin injections (such as Botox) to achieve the best results.

Women opt to enhance volume on the lips, upper cheeks, and marionette lines to further feminize their features to achieve an effortlessly youthful appearance. Men are concerned with lower lids, nasolabial folds, and temples to eliminate signs of aging while giving a prominent, structured look.


Juvéderm is one of the most trusted dermal filler brands for reducing wrinkles, lines and creases around the nose and mouth, and addressing mid-face volume loss and sagging skin.

With its active ingredient known as Hyaluronic Acid (HA), it replaces the depleting collagen and elastin in the body to provide structure and hydration to the localized cells in the area.

Juvéderm subtly enhances facial contours by addressing problematic areas including parenthesis lines and marionette lines from the mouth and chin, lip corner creases and vertical lip lines.

Juvéderm treatment takes about 10 – 15 minutes and results appear over a course of three to five days. Depending on the area, quantity, and product being injected, these may last for up to a year.


Radiesse is a brand of dermal fillers known to effectively stimulate the body’s collagen production to address volume and elasticity loss towards the lower half of the face.

Collagen is an important naturally occurring substance in our body that gives our skin structure. Over time, our body’s collagen decreases which results to obvious volume and elasticity loss.

For moderate to severe wrinkles and deeper facial folds, Radiesse is a great option to rejuvenate the skin’s structure and elasticity by replenishing the lost collagen.

Radiesse is used to target deeper smile and parenthesis lines, mouth and chin creases, pre-jowl folds, and wrinkles on the chin.


The applications of dermal fillers for men have been significantly developed to tailor to the unique and specific demands of the male facial structure.

With a qualified doctor with considerable experience, the desired outcome is just within reach. Always choose a licensed healthcare provider equipped with broad expertise regarding the man’s physique and the actual experience of utilizing dermal fillers to achieve subtle to dramatic changes.

fillers dentist

Dermal Fillers & Dentistry

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

05 Mar

Dermal fillers are injectable gels used to treat cosmetic issues including wrinkles and fine lines, nasolabial folds, vertical lip lines, and skin depressions. Commonly used by aestheticians and cosmetic surgeons, dentists also use these products to treat both skin issues and issues related to the head and neck.

Why Dentists?

In addition to familiarity with facial aesthetics, dentists have in-depth knowledge about facial muscles, the nervous system, and blood supply. They are skilled at oral restoration, dentures, and smile design. Dentists are adept at facial injections and, in fact, do more oral and maxillofacial injections than any other medical professionals.

Uses of Botox in Dentistry

The following dental conditions can be treated with Botox:

  1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

There are various causes of TMJ disorders. The muscles for mastication (masticatory muscles) are primarily affected, resulting in pain, odd sounds, headaches, and more. Botox helps relieve the symptoms of TMJ disorders by relaxing the muscles, reducing the pain and spasms created in the maxillofacial region.

  1. Reducing Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is caused by excessive contraction of the muscle above the upper lip, which is called the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. It results in the exposure of the gingiva, which is known as a gummy smile. When it is injected with Botox, this prevents the excess contraction and relaxes the muscle, preventing the gummy smile. It is one of the easiest procedures to treat this condition, as it does not involve surgery.

  1. Bruxism

Excessive teeth grinding can have psychological, genetic, muscular and orofacial causes. The common symptoms include tooth wear, facial muscle pain, and tooth mobility. Injections of Botox relieve muscle dystonia, reducing the effects of bruxism. Botox, along with proper habit breaking appliances, provides excellent results in patients with this condition.

  1. Facial Aesthetics

Facial wrinkles, especially nasolabial folds, are commonly treated with dermal fillers. These injectables provide immediate fullness, reducing wrinkles and correcting the lips and smile lines.

  1. Interdental Papilla

Another important oral issue is the retraction of the gingival tissue, which causes an increased interdental space. This space, which is often called the ‘black triangle’, causes the accumulation of food particles, plaque, and calculus. Injecting Botox in these areas increases the volume of the gingiva and reduces the interdental space.

  1. Mandibular Dystonia

Involuntary movement and spasms in the muscles of the mandible result in abnormal oral positions and the inability to speak correctly. A neurological disorder, Mandibular Dystonia is also classified as a TMJ disorder. A Botox injection in the masseter or submental complex treats this condition.

  1. Mandibular Spasm

The mandible is a prominent point for many muscles, including the buccinator, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, digastric, genioglossus, geniohyoid, lateral pterygoid, masseter, medial pterygoid, mentalis, mylohyoid, platysma, and temporalis. Any abnormal spasm or contraction of these muscles will result in pain and the inability to open the mouth completely. This condition prevents patients from maintaining basic oral hygiene and utilizing teeth and oral tissues. Local Botox injections relax the muscles and alleviate the symptoms.


Cosmetic injectables are often used to treat a variety of facial and oro-facial conditions. They are ideal for use by dentists, whose extensive knowledge regarding facial aesthetics, tissues and the nervous and vascular systems allows them to treat a wide range of maxillofacial problems. In addition to facial corrections, dermal fillers have numerous applications in dentistry with long-lasting effects.

what are dermal fillers

What Are Dermal Fillers: Types, Usage, and Benefits

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

16 Oct

In the pursuit of youthful and radiant skin, patients are increasingly turning to dermal fillers as a safe and effective non-surgical option. They have gained immense popularity in recent years, offering a way to combat the signs of aging without the need for invasive procedures. But what are dermal fillers, and are they all the same?

From plumping lips to rejuvenating sunken cheeks, dermal fillers offer a customizable solution for individuals seeking a refreshed and more youthful appearance. Join us as we explore the world of dermal fillers and uncover the secrets behind their transformative effects.

What Are Dermal Filler Injections?

Dermal fillers are products used in cosmetic procedures that involve strategically injecting substances into the skin to restore volume, smoothen wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. These injections are typically composed of various materials, with hyaluronic acid and collagen-stimulating agents being the most commonly used.

During the procedure, a trained medical professional carefully administers the filler solution into specific areas of the face, such as the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, or under-eye hollows, based on the desired outcome. The fillers work by plumping and lifting the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging.

The filler injections are popular due to their non-surgical nature, providing individuals with a convenient and relatively low-risk option for rejuvenating their appearance. The results are usually immediate and, depending on the type of filler used, can last anywhere from several months to a year or more.

Dermal Filler Usage and Application

The process of injecting dermal fillers involves several key steps to ensure safe and effective administration. The procedure should only be performed by a qualified medical professional, such as a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, who has received specialized training in aesthetic treatments.

The practitioner assesses the patient’s facial anatomy, skin condition, and areas that require treatment. They explain the available options, discuss expectations, and address any questions or concerns. Topical numbing cream or local anesthesia may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure, depending on the patient’s preference and the type of filler used.

The practitioner injects the dermal filler into the predetermined sites using a fine needle or a blunt-tipped cannula. They may use a combination of techniques, such as linear threading, fanning, or cross-hatching, depending on the treatment area and the specific goals of the procedure.

It’s important to note that the exact process may vary depending on the specific dermal filler being used, the treatment area, and the individual patient’s needs. The entire procedure is typically completed within a relatively short time, usually ranging from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of the treatment.

Indications and Contraindications of Dermal Fillers

Now that we answered the question “What are dermal fillers?” and know what they are typically used for, it’s time to discuss the ideal candidate for the procedure. Can anyone get this treatment, and what indications should potential patients know about?

Dermal fillers are generally safe and suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking aesthetic enhancements or facial rejuvenation. However, certain factors may influence whether someone is an adequate candidate for this procedure, and some individuals should avoid getting dermal fillers.

Here is some general guidance on who can get dermal fillers:

  • Adults over the age of 18: Dermal fillers are typically recommended only for individuals who have reached adulthood.
  • Healthy individuals: Good overall health is essential for undergoing any cosmetic procedure.
  • Those with specific cosmetic concerns: Dermal fillers can address a variety of concerns, such as wrinkles, volume loss, and facial asymmetry. They can also enhance specific features like lips or cheeks.
  • Realistic expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the potential outcomes when using dermal filler treatments.
  • Non-smokers: Smoking can affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications, so avoiding smoking before and after the procedure is generally advised.

As for the dermal filler contraindications, they’re as follows:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: The safety of dermal fillers during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been established, so it is generally recommended to postpone the treatment.
  • Allergic reactions: Individuals with known allergies to specific dermal filler substances or their components should avoid using those fillers.
  • Active skin infections or inflammation: Dermal fillers should not be administered in areas with active infections or inflammation to minimize the risk of complications.
  • Bleeding disorders or medications: People actively taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as blood thinners, may need to avoid dermal fillers or adjust their medication regimen under the guidance of their healthcare provider.
  • Compromised immune systems: Individuals with certain autoimmune diseases or weakened immune systems may have an increased risk of complications and should consult their healthcare provider before considering dermal filler treatments.

Consultations and proper medical assessment for dermal filler indications are required before proceeding with the treatment.

Different Dermal Filler Types

Not all dermal fillers are the same. Over the years, manufacturers have developed different methods of producing filler products, each with unique composition and properties.

Here are the most common types of filler products:

  • Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: These fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain skin hydration and volume. HA fillers are versatile and can be used to add volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. They provide natural-looking results and are reversible if necessary.
  • Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) Fillers: CaHA fillers contain tiny calcium microspheres suspended in a gel-like solution. They stimulate collagen production and provide both immediate and long-lasting results. These fillers often treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and volume loss.
  • Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) Fillers: PLLA fillers stimulate collagen production over time, gradually improving volume and skin texture. They are typically used for deeper facial folds and to restore facial contours affected by age-related volume loss.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Fillers: One of the less common types of dermal fillers. These products consist of tiny PMMA microspheres suspended in a collagen gel. They provide immediate volume and stimulate collagen production for long-term results. PMMA fillers are often used to correct deep wrinkles and acne scars and augment facial features.

Dermal Filler Aftercare

As we’ve previously established, the process of injecting dermal fillers is quick and painless. Patients can continue their daily activities immediately, which is one of the main reasons this procedure has become so popular. Having no downtime is a significant upside for many people.

But that doesn’t mean your patients should be completely careless if they wish to achieve optimal treatment results. Since the effects of dermal fillers can last for up to 18 months, it’s crucial to instruct the patients on proper aftercare.

The most crucial period is the first 24 hours. This is the time during which the fillers are settling in, so it’s essential to prevent them from shifting around the treated area. Patients should avoid certain activities, including:

  • Touching or applying pressure to the treated area;
  • Strenuous activities and exercise;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Putting on makeup if it would cover the treated area;
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity (saunas, hammams, solariums).

Proper hydration is vital during this time. If the patient experiences pain and severe discomfort, they may apply an icepack to the treated area and use painkillers.


By now, you should have a better understanding of what facial and dermal filters are and the different types of these products available on the market. Their popularity is on the rise as patients continue to seek rejuvenation methods that do not involve invasive procedures or surgeries. Although not a permanent solution, dermal fillers are an efficient and effective way to restore one’s youthful appearance with near-immediate results.


How long do dermal fillers last?

Typically, dermal fillers last anywhere from 12 to 18 months. This highly depends on the type of filler, the amount of product used, and the patient’s metabolism, age, and lifestyle.

What is the difference between Botox and dermal fillers?

Aside from the differences in their contents – Botox is based on botulinum toxin while dermal fillers typically contain hyaluronic acid – their method of action is also vastly different. Botox works by relaxing muscles. What are dermal fillers, then? They are fillers that improve volume and stimulate collagen production, giving patients a rejuvenated look.

How risky are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are generally considered safe, and if injected in a sterile environment by a medical professional, the risk of infection or complications is nonexistent. Still, certain people do have allergic reactions to these products, while most patients tend to experience slight bruising and an itching sensation in the treated areas.

contouring jawline

Contouring the Jawline | Medica Depot

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

30 Jul


Patients seeking facial rejuvenation often present with prominent nasolabial folds, marionette lines, perioral lines, loss of volume to the lips, and changes along the jawline. The patient’s appearance is significantly affected by the loss of definition along the mandibular border. A contoured jawline is often seen as indicative of a more youthful appearance.

Aging is a natural phenomenon and gravitational forces, increased tissue laxity, and progressive bone resorption all play a role in the facial manifestations. Atrophy and resorption of the malar, submalar, and buccal fat pads lead to volume loss in the midface. With aging, the jawline’s shape becomes less aesthetically appealing. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures available to efficiently contour the jawline and restore lost facial volume.

Patient Analysis

Dr. Kate Goldie, an aesthetic practitioner, utilizes a full-face consultation to educate patients about the complex interplay of different facial structures, including the skin, fat, ligaments, bones, and muscles.

During a consultation, it’s important for the practitioner to discuss with their patients the cause and effect of each aesthetic concern. This allows patients to understand that addressing mid-face deficits is necessary for an overall positive effect. As cosmetic surgery evolves, many patients are seeking less invasive treatments with fewer side effects and faster recovery time. Although there are many therapeutic options available today, natural-looking results and patient safety have become the focus of modern aesthetic procedures.

The chin and jawline are common areas of concern and patients are particularly concered with loss of jawline definition, the formation of jowls, and deepening of the pre-jowl sulcus. The redistribution in volume and position of the soft tissue of the lower face creates undesirable shadows that detract from a patient’s appearance. Knowledge of age-related anatomy is vital in restoring a youthful face. Furthermore, a practitioner must recognize the form of an attractive chin and sculpted or well-contoured jawline.

Jawline Rejuvenation

In addition to age-associated volume loss that contributes to the structural changes of the face, the process of aging also visibly manifests in the skin. A multi-pronged approach is essential when contouring the jawline to deal with sagging, jowl formation, and chin widening.

While distinct age-related changes in the lower third of the face and neck can be addressed dramatically by a traditional face-lift or genioplasty, the last decade has seen minimally invasive procedures become the gold standard for facial rejuvenation. Soft tissue augmentation using dermal fillers and botulinum toxins are growing in popularity.

Plastic surgeons and aesthetic practitioners must include minimally invasive techniques in their treatment strategies for the lower face and neck. While both surgical and non-surgical procedures have varying degrees of risk, minimally invasive methods may soon go head to head with traditional aesthetic procedures or become a worthy replacement.

Soft Tissue Fillers

There are different dermal filler materials available for soft tissue augmentation, but not all are suited for jawline contouring. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most popular and widely used material for dermal filler treatment; it restores volume loss efficiently and can be reversed with hyaluronidase should overcorrection occurs.

However, many physician’s treatment of choice is Radiesse (Merz Aesthetics), a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-cleared injectable filler made of small calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres. The 25–45μm microspheres of synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite are suspended in water, glycerin, and carboxymethylcellulose and can be used for volume restoration, lines and wrinkles, as well as lip augmentation.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

Although CaHA can replenish lost volume in the mid and lower face and create a youthful, sculpted jawline, proper injection technique plays a critical role in achieving optimal results. The treatment area should be evaluated with the patient in an upright position. Photographs should be taken prior to treatment and the patient should be informed of any facial asymmetries before starting the procedure.

The filler is injected supraperiostally above the ala-tragus line and deep dermally below the ala-tragus line. In both areas, a 1:1 correction factor is enough and overcorrection is not necessary. Thread multiple tracks through one puncture using fanning technique to minimize the number of injections.

Treatment results usually last for 12 to 18 months. The patient should be counseled about the limitations of the product, potential risks and side effects, expected duration of results, and post-treatment care. Consent should be obtained after adequate briefing and counseling.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Patients with thicker skin and poorly-defined bony structure of the mandible require incompressible or stiff fillers, such as Radiesse, to support the overlying tissues while contouring the jawline. However, those with thin skin over a well-defined mandible require a highly elastic HA filler such as Restylane Lyft (Galderma) and Juvederm Voluma XC (Allergan).

The injector should thoroughly examine the patient’s jawline to determine the best product or combination of products to use. Patients with thick skin and a reasonably prominent mandibular structure are suitable for both CaHA and HA products, the latter of which is reversible using hyaluronidase.

Dr. Goldie, like many practitioners, recommends the use of a cannula when treating the jawline to avoid vascular compromise. The superficial muscular aponeurotic system, also known as the SMAS, protects the facial artery in that region. While the injector may unknowingly go underneath the fascia using a long needle, the use of a cannula allows the injector to stay in the plane where no major arteries are present.

Botulinum Toxin

When contouring the jawline using injectables, the practitioner must consider the patient’s preferences, as those seeking cosmetic procedures are often influenced by culturally determined standards of beauty. An ideal female face, for example, is generally perceived as delicate, contoured, and oval-shaped while a square lower face is considered masculine. In some cultures, increased lower facial volume is seen as “rude.”

The main causes of a square face are muscle hypertrophy and prominent mandibular angle. In the Asian population, masseter hypertrophy, resulting in short, wide faces, is frequently observed while Caucasians often possess long, narrow faces.

Botulinum toxin injection is a non-surgical method of correcting masseteric muscle hypertrophy. In the past, surgical resection of the masseter or bony angle of the mandible was the only option for reshaping the lower jaw. Associated with side effects like pain, hematoma, infection, and facial nerve paralysis, it was not very popular. In 1994, Smyth, Moore, and Wood introduced the injection of botulinum toxin type A into the masseter muscle; the results were decreased masseteric girth and a gentler, more rounded jawline.

In 2005, Kim and colleagues treated 1,021 patients with botulinum toxin to reduce the volume of the masseter muscle. The team concluded that neurotoxin injection for aesthetic purposes requires simple technique, with few side effects and reduced recovery time, making it a better alternative to surgical masseter resection. Studies also claimed that botulinum toxin injection to the masseter could treat bruxism, indicating reduced frequency of teeth grinding events and decreased bruxism-associated pain, as well as high anecdotal patient satisfaction.

Thread Lifting

Threads are a safe and effective alternative to traditional lifting methods. According to Dr. Jacques Otto, polydioxanone (PDO) threads made of biodegradable synthetic polymer are great for lifting and tightening the jawline. The sutures stimulate collagen synthesis and elastin production for an overall rejuvenated effect, making this an ideal choice for patients with very lax and/or severely wrinkled skin.

An 18G needle is recommended for creating an entry point before inserting the threads with a blunt cannula. Practitioners should avoid using needles for thread insertion due to the risk of injuring blood vessels and nerves. When treating the lower face, combining thread lifting with botulinum toxin will produce even better results. Dr. Otto recommends injecting botulinum toxin at least two weeks before thread lifting to relax the platysma muscle. Thread lift side effects can include bruising, swelling, puckering or rippling, asymmetry, and visible threads under the skin; however, extensive practitioner training lowers these risks.

Patients should be informed that a thread lift is not a one-time treatment, as biodegradable threads are absorbed by the body over time. Post-treatment care and consistent follow-ups are necessary. Anti-inflammatory medications to minimize swelling must be avoided as they can interfere with collagen formation.

Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Therapy

For patients who are needle-averse or unsure about receiving injectables, ULTRAcel is a non-surgical facelift therapy that is a great initial treatment for patients with lower face concerns. An ULTRAcel machine combines high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technology, radiofrequency, and fractional microneedling to lift and tighten facial contours without the downtime associated with surgical procedures. Radiofrequency stimulates fibroblasts and promotes the production and remodeling of collagen. Only trained practitioners should perform microneedling and radiofrequency; potential side effects include burns and pigmentation changes.

In contrast with ULTRAcel treatment, Ultherapy is an FDA-approved procedure that uses microfocused ultrasound energy to target different depths within the skin, which lifts and tightens the jawline and neck. This collagen-boosting procedure incorporates ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to visualize the layers of tissue being treated, ensuring precise administration without needles or incisions. Ultherapy may be combined with dermal filler injection, although a two-week interval is required. Patients may experience slight bruising or redness, but nothing significant or persistent.

Skin Care

In aesthetic practice, skincare is an important part of any successful treatment. A healthy and functioning skin barrier protects the skin from dehydration, penetration of allergens, irritants, microorganisms, and radiation. While a daily skin care regimen that increases cell regeneration is necessary for smoother and more radiant skin, preventing the degradation of primary structural constituents like elastin and collagen is critical. Counseling patients about the importance of sunscreen to protect the skin should be every practitioner’s priority.

While the cosmeceutical market is notorious for making false claims, some products are indeed better than others. The use of products containing Vitamin A is recommended because it stimulates the production of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, and elastic fibers. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) are also beneficial as they increase skin cell turnover, resulting in reduced discoloration and evenly pigmented skin, reduced pore size and the softening of lines and wrinkles. Keeping the skin hydrated with a good humectant is an important final skin care step.


When it comes to contouring the jawline, aesthetic practitioners must recognize patient’s motivation in seeking less invasive procedures. If deemed appropriate, one should offer alternative non-surgical treatments for addressing the lower face and neck.

In the surgeon’s pre-operative evaluation, proper patient selection is critical to successful treatment. The practitioner can only plan the best treatment strategy if he or she is familiar with the benefits and limitations of each technique.

juvederm cost

Guide To Juvederm Cost

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

30 Jul

How Much Does Juvéderm Cost?

Juvéderm is a popular dermal filler commonly used for the treatment of facial wrinkles. The average treatment cost per syringe is approximately $500 – $600.

However, the exact cost of Juvéderm depends on the chosen formula, provider fees, and locations. For these reasons, the cost per session varies by patient, and the amount needed to achieve the desired results.

Juvéderm treatment requires a short recovery time, minimizing time off work and lowering the cost of having work performed. It is typically not covered by insurance.

What Are the Total Costs of Juvéderm Treatments?

Juvéderm is a quick and affordable option compared to cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelifts. Dermal fillers are non-invasive, and no surgery is required.

You can expect to pay somewhere between $500 and $600 per syringe, although more extensive work can cost more. For example, in some situations, it may be recommended that a patient take two syringes per session.

Unlike other wrinkle treatments, Juvéderm’s different products are formulated specifically for certain areas of the face, such as the lips, which is why the cost per syringe can vary. The main types of are:

1 . Volbella.

2. Vollure.

3. Voluma.

4. Ultra.

An “XC” variant is also available, which contains lidocaine to make the procedure less painful.

Aesthetic procedures like dermal fillers are not considered medical necessities by medical insurance providers. This means that it is unlikely your insurance will reimburse for Juvéderm.

Juvéderm for the Under Eyes

Juvéderm Voluma is ideal of adding volume to under your eyes. While the treatment isn’t specifically approved for this use, it can be effective regardless.

The average cost of this treatment comes to around $1,500 per syringe.

Juvéderm For Your Lips and Mouth

When treating your lips, two main formulas of Juvéderm used. Ultra XC and Volbella XC are both effective for treating common issues in this area. Ultra XC helps to add volume to your lips, while Volbella XC removes wrinkles around the area.

These options have varying price ranges, with Ultra XC going as high as $1,000 dollars in some cases.

Juvéderm for Your Cheeks

Plump cheeks and youthful looking skin are highly desirable traits often obtained through facelifts. Juvéderm Voluma XC and Vollure XC can be effective at replicating these results.

Vollure XC is estimated at $750 per syringe, while Voluma is much higher at $1,500 per syringe.

Treatment Recovery Time

Taking time off work to recover from treatment often adds the cost of having it done. Unless you are being paid for your time off, you’ll lose money in wages.

Luckily, Juvéderm has little to no recovery time. You may have some swelling and bruising, but you will be able to work under these conditions if you choose.

How Long Does Juvéderm Last?

Juvéderm is not a permanent treatment and will need to be performed at least once every year to maintain the desired results. These results vary by formula and may need to be repeated more often depending on the specific needs of the patient.

The procedure takes approximately 15 to 60 minutes, and the results are noticeable almost instantly.

Preparing for Juvéderm Treatment

Before using Juvéderm, your doctor will give you strict instructions on things you can and cannot do. You will need to avoid activities like:

1.  Smoking of any kind.

2. Drinking alcohol.

3. Tanning and similar skin treatments.

If you are on any medications, you may need to adjust your dose or stop using them entirely leading up to your appointment. This includes drugs that make you bleed in any way, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Finding a Treatment Provider

While mainstream spas are starting to offer injections, Juvéderm is still considered a medical procedure. For this reason, it is advised that you have your procedure done at a licensed medical doctor.

Ideally, you will have your treatments performed by a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. Ask anyone you intend to use as a provider about their experience, and if possible, to see their portfolio.

Restylane vs. Juvéderm

Restylane is another dermal filler brand that is commonly used to plump skin and reduce wrinkiles. While the two treatments are similar in cost, many say that Juvéderm provides better results, specifically when using:

1. Voluma.

2. Vollure.

3. Volbella.

How to Reduce the Costs of Juvéderm

As patients must pay the full cost of Juvéderm, it is common to try and find ways to lower the overall price. To achieve this, you can ask your doctor about:

1. Possible payment plans.

2. Membership related discounts.

3. Manufacturer rebates.

4. Available financing options.

Juvéderm is also part of a program known as Brilliant Distinctions. This allows you to accumulate points to reduce your treatment costs.

While Juvéderm is an attractive and affordable alternative to facelifts and other costly skin treatments, the cost varies significantly on a case by case basis and will depend upon your desired results and the needs of your skin.

marionette lines juvederm

Juvederm vs Radiesse for Marionette Lines | Medica Depot

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

12 Jun

How do dermal fillers treat marionette lines?

As the body ages, it slows production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are essential to keeping the skin firm, elastic, and plump. As these substances degrade, the skin becomes weaker and begins to loosen and sag, causing lines and wrinkles to form.

Dermal fillers treat marionette lines by volumizing the skin, and some formulations boost essential proteins. The added volume from the implanted dermal filler gel lifts the skin, smooths lines and wrinkles, and adds a youthful plumpness to the skin that is often lost due to the process of aging and other harmful environmental factors.

How long do results last?

Aside from the difference in ingredients, the biggest difference between fillers from Juvederm and fillers from Radiesse is the longevity of the effects of treatment.

Juvederm offers longer lasting results than many other hyaluronic acid-based fillers currently available on the market. On average, the results of Juvederm fillers last from 12 to 18 months, with some patients seeing results up to 2 years after treatment.

The results of Radiesse fillers typically last from 9 to 18 months. Some patients may experience longer lasting results as the skin forms new collagen and is strengthened. It is important to note that the longevity of results varies according to patient and depends on a number of factors, including the lifestyle and age of the patient, as well as the severity of correction required and the injection technique used during treatment.

Juvederm vs Radiesse for marionette lines

Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm are great for marionette lines because they are easy to inject and the results are reversible if the patient is unhappy. Juvederm also hydrates the skin and assists with the intracellular structure. It is most effective on marionette lines that are superficial to deep, and provides a filling effect without the patient looking overstuffed or frozen. Juvederm is favored for its natural-looking results.

Radiesse is also an effective filler for marionette lines. Unlike Juvederm, which is simply a wrinkle filler, Radiesse is a stimulatory filler that boosts the production of collagen within the skin, leaving collagen in its place even after it has been metabolized. For deeper marionette lines, Radiesse may be the best option, as it is thicker and provides more lifting capabilities.

A study comparing Juvederm Ultra Plus and Radiesse found that Radiesse required less filler to achieve the desired effects. While Radiesse does provide some immediate effects, optimal results emerge gradually, as collagen is produced over time. However, different patients will require different treatments, and what will work best for one patient may not be the same for another. The best dermal filler for a patient should be based on the patient’s desired results and facial anatomy.

stylage juvederm

Stylage vs Juvederm: Similarities & Differences | Medica Depot

Dermal Fillers / By  Nina Peterson

17 Sep

In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, Juvederm has garnered significant recognition among patients. It’s noteworthy that many aesthetic practitioners, in their pursuit of top-tier solutions for clients, frequently choose to buy Juvederm. While lesser-known brands like Stylage, a distinctive French line of hyaluronic acid fillers, may offer comparability and even enhanced suitability based on individual aesthetic objectives, Juvederm remains the cornerstone choice for the majority of aesthetic professionals. This article aims to illuminate the strengths of these leading brands and provide a comprehensive comparison to assist practitioners in making informed decisions for their clientele.

Similarities Between Stylage and Juvederm

The Juvederm line of dermal fillers are considered an integral component of the aesthetic doctor’s armamentarium. These best-selling dermal fillers are regularly used in many cosmetic injectable procedures. Products include Juvederm Voluma, a highly volumizing filler that is used to add fullness to large areas of the face, Juvederm Volbella, which is used for lip augmentation, and Juvederm Vollure, Ultra, and Ultra Plus, which are used for softening lines and wrinkles.

Generally speaking, Juvederm products have high G prime (a measure of the hardness of the gel) and medium to high cohesivity, resulting in a gel that is smooth, malleable, resistant to deformation.

Stylage is a European brand of injectable dermal fillers that are hyaluronic acid based. Their products include Stylage S, M and L, three products of varying viscosities that are used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and lines, and rejuvenate the back of the hands. They also have a filler used specifically for lip contouring, Stylage Special Lips.

A unique characteristic of Stylage dermal fillers is the addition of mannitol to the formulation. This antioxidant prevents free radical damage, improving the stability and longevity of the gel in dermal tissue. The antioxidative effects of mannitol also help lessen side effects like swelling and bruising.

How Do Stylage and Juvederm Compare?

Both the Stylage and Juvederm brands offer a range of products with varying hyaluronic acid densities that suit various treatment purposes. In this regard, they both cater to a wide variety of aesthetic indications.

Stylage is made using IPN-like Technology, which involves the transformation of individual cross-linked matrices into a monophasic gel through an interpenetrating network-like (IPN-like) process. This increases the density and degree of cross-linking without the need for additional cross-linking agent. Juvederm products, on the other hand, are made using Hylacross and Vycross Technologies, which both involve a single cross-linking process. In Vycross, high- and low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid chains are incorporated to form a monophasic, monodensified gel.

Different manufacturing processes result in products with distinguishing physical characteristics that affect the way they integrate with dermal tissue. A microscopic analysis of Juvederm products reveal a cohesive consistency while Stylage products have a lighter, less dense structure with fewer continuous networks. When implanted into the dermis, the gel distributes evenly among the area of treatment in large pools.

As mentioned previously, another distinguishing feature of Stylage products is the addition of mannitol. This antioxidant preserves the physical characteristics of the gel by preventing damage incurred by free radicals, which are molecules generated by enzymes present as a result of the inflammatory response cause by the injection.

Differences Between Stylage and Juvederm

Stylage and Juvederm products share many common features, as the starting material in both these fillers is hyaluronic acid. However, the differences in the cross-linking technologies used to create the final products results in gels with different rheological and physical properties that affect their behavior within the dermis.

Additionally, Stylage contains mannitol, which is incorporated to decelerate product degradation, enhancing result longevity. The practitioner must understand these differences in order to select the right product for their patient.